
Why does the PTA have to conduct fundraisers?

Our PTA is an non-profit organization with a mission to enhance and support the educational programs and environment at Diloreto Elementary and Middle school. Only a small portion of the PTA’s income comes from PTA membership dues paid each year.  To provide the support to our school and children, to make certain programs possible, and to bridge the gap between public funds and actual expenses, WE NEED TO RAISE MONEY. In order to raise funds, the PTA conducts a variety of fundraisers to fit everyone’s preference.

Where Does My Donation Money Go?

Diloreto’s PTA funds are used for programs, events, equipment, classroom support, and services that benefit our students.

How Can I Make a Donation?

Making a donation is easier than ever!   Simply CLICK HERE.

What Fundraisers Can I Expect This Year?

We are currently promoting our MCM fundraiser. Click here to register.

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